Saturday, 3 October 2015

Crowned queens

Once upon a time, the creator made three women. He gave to two of them beautiful veils as headdress.
The first had a uniform, long and black veil as beautiful as the cascades. The second one had a palette of colours with her cascade. She could either have the colour of wheat, the shades of copper or varieties of darker shades.
The third one was given a crown.
Before she even asked why she was different. The creator explained. "You don't need a veil but a crown to remind you of who you are. Often times you won't see your beauty, you might be despised by the world and ignored but anytime you will see your crown in the mirror remember who you are. You can shape it in a veil, or anything you wish but do not forget that it is first and foremost A CROWN to celebrate your beauty and strength". 
She happily joined her other sisters in the world and forgot who she was.

The end
Yes I have a crown on my head. What is there not to like? 

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